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How to Transfer Balance in NTC


Here is the step by step guide for how to transfer balance in ntc

Transferring balance in Nepal Telecom (NTC) is a convenient way to share mobile credit with friends and family when they need it the most. If you’re new to the process, fear not! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the simple two-step process to transfer balance in NTC.

Step 1: Get Your Security Number

Before you can transfer balance in NTC, you need to know your security number. If you don’t have it handy, don’t worry – it’s easy to retrieve. Just follow these simple instructions:

  • Pick up your phone and open your messaging app.
  • Create a new text message and type “scode”.
  • Send the message to 1415.
  • Within a few minutes, you’ll receive a message containing your security number.

Great! Now that you have your security number, you’re ready to proceed to step two.

Step 2: Transfer the balance in NTC

After knowing your security number you can now open your dail pad and dail 422*Security number*desired number to send blc *blc amount#.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learn how to transfer balance in ntc to your desired number.

This was a smiple two steps process on how to transfer balance in ntc.

Features of NTC balance transfers:

  1. Easy Transfer Process: NTC provides a simple and user-friendly process for transferring balance. Users can initiate balance transfers by sending a text message with the required details, making it accessible to everyone.
  2. Security Number: To ensure the security of the balance transfer service, NTC assigns a security number to each user. This number is essential to authenticate and complete the balance transfer process.
  3. Minimum and Maximum Transfer Limits: NTC allows users to transfer a minimum and maximum amount of balance per transaction. Typically, users can transfer a minimum of NPR 10 and a maximum of NPR 200 per transfer.
  4. Daily Transfer Limit: NTC sets a limit on the number of balance transfers a user can make in a single day. Generally, users can make up to five balance transfers per day.
  5. Validity Period: The transferred balance remains valid for a specific period. In most cases, the transferred amount is valid for 90 days from the date of the transfer. If not used within this period, the balance will expire.
  6. Prepaid to Prepaid Transfers: Balance transfers are limited to prepaid NTC numbers only. Users cannot transfer balance to postpaid numbers.
  7. Transaction Charges: NTC applies a nominal fee for each balance transfer. Users should be aware of the transaction charges, which are deducted from the transfer amount.
  8. Confirmation Messages: After completing a balance transfer, NTC sends confirmation text messages to both the sender and the receiver, ensuring transparency and acknowledgment of the transaction.
  9. Balance Inquiry: Users can check their remaining balance and transferred balance by dialing specific codes or sending messages to NTC’s customer service.
  10. Additional Services: NTC offers various additional services to enhance the user experience, including data packages, recharge bonuses, international roaming, and more.

It’s essential for users to understand and follow the guidelines provided by NTC for balance transfers. Following the specified transfer limits, transaction charges, and validity periods ensures a smooth and efficient transfer process.

Discover the magic of NTC balance transfers! Share mobile credit effortlessly with loved ones. Be their knight in shining armor during communication crises. Stay connected, spread positivity, and build stronger bonds with just a few taps on your phone. Unlock exciting data packages, recharge bonuses, and international roaming for more delightful experiences. Connect hearts, brighten moments, and make a difference with NTC balance transfers. Stay caring, stay connected!

Thank you all.

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